Vol. 13. No. 4
Date of publication: Download Full VersionThe identification of the Red-naped Shaheen Falco peregrinus babylonicus, its separation from F. p. calidus, in the field, and its status and distribution in north-western IndiaNirav Bhatt & Prasad Ganpule
Birds of the Indian Subcontinent: Species not recorded from India
Praveen J., Rajah Jayapal, Tim Inskipp, Deepal Warakagoda, Paul M. Thompson, R. Charles Anderson & Aasheesh Pittie
Pink-rumped Rosefinch Carpodacus waltoni in Sandakphu, West Bengal: A first photographic record for India
Ranadeep Sengupta
A distribution survey of the Forest Owlet Heteroglaux blewitii in north-western Maharashtra
Prachi Mehta, Jayant Kulkarni, Shubhadeep Mukherjee, Shreenath Chavan & Akshay Vinod Anand
Whinchat Saxicola rubetra in Sri Lanka in February 2015: First record for the island and the Indian Subcontinent
Klemens Steiof, Chinthaka De Silva, Janith Jayarathna, Wolfgang Mädlow, Manfred Pohl, Wolfgang Püschel & Michael Zerning
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