
Indian BIRDS publishes ground-breaking articles on identification, distribution, migration, conservation and taxonomy, and is the place to report significant ornithological sightings and events. The publication is widely regarded as the bird journal of record in South Asia.

Published bi-monthly, Indian BIRDS is an invaluable resource for birders and professional ornithologists. Contributors include both professionals and keen amateurs. Content is always abreast of current ideas and thinking, yet written in a clear and simple style that is easy to interpret.

Indian BIRDS has published more than 1,775 authors.

Volume Pages Articles Photos
1 148 97 6
2 184 96 51
3 232 68 151
4 204 93 161
5 188 74 162
6 174 52 241
7 180 90 243
8 168 113 200
9 168 75 209
10 172 85 166
11 176 71 159
12 180 72 193
13 169 92 236
14 193 100 230
15 193 81 256
16 199 79 210
17 196 98 237
18 199 87 271
19 199 97 300
TOTALS 3522 1620 3682


New Ornis Foundation: A Non-profit Trust [Registration No. 314/2004]

Aims & Objectives:

  • To publish a newsletter that will provide a platform to birdwatchers for publishing notes and observations primarily on birds of South Asia.
  • To promote awareness of bird watching amongst the general public.
  • To establish and maintain links with other associations or organized bodies in India or abroad whose objects are in keeping with the objectives of the Trust (i.e. to support amateur birdwatchers with cash / kind for projects in ornithology).

Support Indian BIRDS

Your generous support is vital to the continued publication of Indian BIRDS. We assure you that your contribution will be utilised in maintaining the high standards of the journal, ensuring its regular publication, and in enabling ornithologists publish their observations and studies.